/ About Company / Petr Paščenko
Petr Paščenko
Company Founder, Senior Analyst
Petr is the founder of the company. In addition to the company's management, he deals mainly with the computational analysis of machinery for the power industry, process industry, electrical industry and transport. Peter cooperates with designers on the development of new machines. Furthermore, he performs intensive research in the field of engineering and transport.
Education attained
- Technical University of Liberec, Professor appointed in the field of "Applied Mechanics" (2015).
- University of Pardubice, DFJP – Associate Professor habilitated in the field of "Transport means and Infrastructure" (2009).
- Military Academy Brno – PhD in the field of "Mechanics of rigid and deformable bodies and the environment" (1992 – 1998).
- Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – four semester postgraduate studies "Rationalization of Project and Design Work" (1989 – 1991).
- Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – five semester postgraduate studies "Biotechnological processes and devices" (1987 – 1990).
- Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – MS in the field of "Machinery and equipment for the chemical, food and consumer industries" (1981 – 1986).
Educational training courses
- Certificate of specialized course "Specialization course for pressure vessels and equipment." Under the auspices of: Brno University of Technology – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technical Inspection in Prague, Association of Mechanical Engineers, VITKOVICE Institute of Applied Mechanics Brno, Brno, June 1997.
- Certificate of completion of a specialized course "Pressure Equipment" (EN 13445, EN 286, EN 764, EN 13480). TConsult, Brno, November 2003.
- Certificate of completion of specialized course "Pressure equipment – methods of stress analysis of pressure equipment according to current international standards". TConsult, Šlapanice u Brna, May 2006.
- Certificate of completion of specialized course "Calculations of strength, stability, life span and pressure testing of pressure equipment" (EN 13445:2009, EN 13445:2010). TConsult, Šlapanice u Brna, October 2010.
Current employment
- University of Pardubice, Jan Perner Transport Faculty (2007 to the present). Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Mechanics, Materials and Machine Parts, teacher of the Finite Element Method, Thin-walled Shell Structures and Nonlinear Mechanics at the master's and doctoral studies, research worker of the faculty publishing articles in specialized national and international journals.
- AK-Mechanika, s.r.o. (2000 to the present). The founder and executive head of the company with more than 300 carried out professional works for a number of major companies such as ALSTOM Power, FEI Company, FEI Electron Optics, IVECO, AVX, TERMOL, CHEPOS, Poličské strojírny, etc.
Previous employment and significant areas in which he worked
- SAGE Brno, Ltd. (1995 – 2000) – researcher worker and analyst, chief engineer of the project "The computational analysis of machinery installed in Nuclear power plant Temelín" performed for the production company KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ a.s. – analysis of strength, service life and seismicity of machinery for the primary circuit, secondary circuit and auxiliary operations.
- VITKOVICE, Institute of Applied Mechanics (1992 – 1995) – research worker and analyst of enamel storage tanks and large storage tanks – strategic storage of oil in Nelahozeves (team member of prof. Ing. Vlastimil Křupka, DrSc).
- ZVÚ Hradec Králové (1987 – 1992) – development worker and analyst of the new types of biotechnological reactors for production of citric acid, lysine, insulin and fodder yeast.
Other work activities
- Forensic expert (1999 – 2018, terminated) – Regional Court in Hradec Králové, forensic expert in the field of engineering, general engineering industry, pressure and non-pressure vessels and equipment, boilers, piping and supporting steel structures, calculations of strength and service life, the cause of failures and accidents.
Publications in international journals:
- PAŠČENKO, P. Strength of Stainless Steel C-Clamps. Materials Engineering / Materialove inžinierstvo, vol. XV, no. 2a. University of Žilina 2008. ISSN: 1335-0803.
- PAŠČENKO, P. – ŠVANDA P. Stability of Simply Supported Spherical Cap Subjected to External Pressure. Journal of Machine Manufacturing, vol. XLIX, no. E3-E5, Special Triple Edition 2009, s. 120-123. ISSN: 0016-8580.
- PAŠČENKO, P. – STŘEDOVÁ, D. – TOMEK, P. Imperfect Spherical Cap with Stiffening Ring Subjected to External Pressure. International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 15, s. 483-490. University Press Zielona Góra 2010. ISSN: 1425-1655.
- KŘUPKA, V. – PAŠČENKO, P. Influence of imperfection on the Snap-Through of a Flat Conical Roof Stiffened by Meridional Stringers. Thin-Walled Structures, vol. 23, no. 1-4, s. 123-130. Elsevier Science Limited 1995. ISSN: 0263-8231.
Publications in national journals:
- KŘUPKA, V., PAŠČENKO, P. Prolomení plochých kuželových střech vyztužených po meridiánu žebry (1). CheVess Bulletin 10/11, 5-7. 1995.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Prolomení plochých kuželových střech vyztužených po meridiánu žebry (2). CheVess Bulletin 10/96, 18-21. 1995.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Prolomení plochých rámových kuželových střech uskladňovacích nádrží. CheVess Bulletin 13/96, 12-19. 1996.
- Paščenko, P. Spherical Partition of Road Tank Subjected to External Pressure. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series B, The Jan Perner Transport Faculty, vol. 2008, no. 14, s. 81-92. Univerzita Pardubice 2009. ISSN: 1211-6610.
- Paščenko, P. – Švanda, P. Stability of Hinged Spherical Cap Subjected to External Pressure. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series B, The Jan Perner Transport Faculty, vol. 2009, no. 15, s. 5-21. Univerzita Pardubice 2010. ISSN: 1211-6610.
The papers presented at international conferences:
- KŘUPKA, V., PAŠČENKO, P. Snap-Through of Symmetrically Loaded Flat Frame Conical Roofs of the Storage Tanks. International Conference on New Requirements for Structures and their Reliability. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vol. 2, s. 133-138. Prague 1994, ISBN 80-01-01136-4.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Non-linear Behaviour of Conical Roofs Stiffened by Meridional Stringers. International Conference on Carrying Capacity of Steel Shell Structures. Under the auspices of ECCS, s. 106-111. Brno 1997, ISBN 80-214-0892-8.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Enhanced Safety of Transported Goods by Computer Dynamic Analysis and Simulation. Reliability, safety and diagnostics of transport structures and means, s. 242-249. University of Pardubice 2008, ISBN 978-80-7395-096-5.
- PAŠČENKO, P., KANICKÝ, V. Detail Theoretical Preparation of the Drop Test of an Electron Microscope. The 10th International Conference on Vibration problems. Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011. Springer proceedings in Physics 139, s 195-202. Prague 2011. ISBN 978-94-007-2068-8, ISSN: 0930-8989.
The papers presented at national conferences:
- PAŠČENKO, P. Kontrola pevnosti skleněné kolony na výrobu toxických látek. Konference TechMat 2002, Univerzita Pardubice 2002.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Posouzení pevnosti parního hrdla kondenzátoru 535 m2, Poškození vlivem přetížení vnitřním přetlakem. Konference TechMat 2007, Univerzita Pardubice 2007.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Snížení úrovně nežádoucích vibrací boxu laserového svařování. Dynamics of Rigid and Deformable bodies 2008. 6-th international conference, Ústí nad Labem 2008, s. 139-147.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Provozní spolehlivost ocelových komínů. DYNA2008 - Dynamicky namáhané konstrukce, Brno 2008.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Kontrola akustického boxu na seizmické účinky. Konference TechMat 2008, Universita Pardubice 2008.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Computer Analysis and Drop Test of Electron Microscope Assembly. (7th) International conference on „Dynamics of Rigid and Deformable Bodies 2009“. Ústí nad Labem 2009.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Příčiny praskání míchadla sterilizátoru. Konference TechMat 2009, Univerzita Pardubice 2009.
- PAŠČENKO, P. Stanovení bezpečného počtu zkušebních odpalů balistické bomby. Konference TechMat 2010, Univerzita Pardubice 2010.
- STŘEDOVÁ, D., PAŠČENKO, P., TOMEK, P. Vliv polohy počáteční imperfekce na únosnost kulového vrchlíku zatíženého vnějším přetlakem. Sborník konference s mezinárod. účastí TechMat 2010, s. 247-250. Svitavy 2010. ISBN 978-80-7395-324-9.
- TOMEK, P., PAŠČENKO, P., STŘEDOVÁ, D. Vývoj experimentálního zařízení pro zkoušky ztráty stability tenkostěnných vrchlíků. Sborník konference s mezinár. účastí TechMat 2010, s. 205-210. Univerzita Pardubice 2010. ISBN 978-80-7395-324-9.
- STŘEDOVÁ, D., PAŠČENKO, P. Influence of initial imperfections on spherical caps subjected to external pressure. Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference Applied Mechanics 2010, Technická univerzita v Liberci 2010, s. 115- 118. ISBN 978-80-7372-586-0.
- TOMEK, P., PAŠČENKO, P. Loss of stability of laterally loaded cylindrical shell. Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference Applied Mechanics 2010, Technická univerzita v Liberci 2010, s. 131-134. ISBN 978-80-7372-586-0.
Monograph, selected chapters:
- PAŠČENKO P., P. TOMEK, STŘEDOVÁ D. Stability of thin-walled shell structures – Stability of a spherical cap. University of Pardubice 2013, ISBN 978-80-7395-697-4. (in Czech)
- PAŠČENKO P. Theoretical preparation of experiments of the test detonations in the ballistic bomb. Selected problems of dynamics of solids. A separate chapter in the monograph. University of Jan Evangelista in Ústí nad Labem, 2011, p. 24 to 31. ISBN 978-80-7414-272-7. (in Czech)
Textbooks, lecture notes:
- Finite Element Method I – set of lectures (in Czech).
- Finite Element Method II – set of lectures (in Czech).